Washing Systems

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Mr. XYZ ABC abc@diamondcrusher.com 81088 44415

DW Series

Sand washing is a critical step to adhere to stringent environmental needs. Diamond Sand Washing System ensures removal of 75 microns and smaller particles with greater efficiencies. You can produce plaster sand and manufactured sand as per the requirement.

Flexible yet simple to maintain

Robust design

Engineered to perform

Highly persistent

DW 100 DW 130 DW 170
Capacity, TPH 50 75 100
Hydrocyclone,Ømm 400 500 600
Slurry Pump size, Inches 4/3 6/4 8/6
Pump motor, HP 20 40 50
Dewatering screens size,m 2.4 x 1.5 2.4 x 1.5 3 x 1.8
Dewatering screens
5 x 2 nos. 5 x 2 nos. 7.5 x 2 nos.